


Professor Ou Xiaokun * Professor Ou is the UNESCO Cousteau Ecotechnie Professor, Yunnan University. He is also Director of the university's Institute of Ecology and Geobotany. He is an expert in the ecological classification of vegetation communities, particularly the ecosystem known as the "dry-hot valley," a subject on which he has published a major study, as well as numerous papers. He has long been dedicated to conservation of the ecosystems he sees threatened in Yunnan province. Professor Ou has also helped found China-Conservancy, a Hong Kong registered charitable society which works in partnership with BDC in China.

Co-Director, Yunnan Natural Heritage Conservation Data Center - Peng Shengjing * Peng Shengjing, whose English name is Samantha, has been working with YN-NHCDC since plans were first being drafted and she was a new graduate student in ecology. A native of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, she is curently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Ghent as well as the Co-Director of YN-NHCDC. One of her main tasks in Kunming is to enlist the aid of graduate students in ecology in populating the YN-NHCDC database on Yunnan's biodiversity and to supervise their work.

Co-Director, Yunnan Natural Heritage Conservation Data Center - Sun Zhenhua * Sun Zhenhua, whose English name is Ted, has been working with YN-NHCDC since early days, most of that time while pursuing his Ph.D. in ecology at Yunnan University. Thoroughly versed in the ways of modern computers and software, he has also helped provide translations of field names and data items into Chinese. Dr. Sun is an expert in techniques of statistical analysis, highly useful with the immense amount of data that has already been compiled and which will continue to expand. In addtion to his position with YN-NHCDC, he now holds a research position at Xischuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden. Ph.D. Yunnan University


YN-NHCDC has joined with The BioDiversity Conservancy and Professor Paul Forster of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to form China-Conservancy (C-C) , a registered charitable society in Hong Kong (Ref.CP/LIC/SO/19/36172). C-C's goal is not only to work in Hong Kong but primarily to assist in the work on the Chinese mainland. Professors Paul Shin and Paul Lam of City University, Hong Kong, and Professor Chonam Ng of the University of Hong Kong have rendered great assistance to this work of C-C.

C-C has provided summer students from Hong Kong to work on the database in Yunnan. It also helps with fundraising and facilitates relationships with the local conservationists as well as those in other parts of the world, in academia, in government, and in other conservation organizations.

In addition to the formal partnership embodied in C-C, YN-NHCDC has benefited from working relationships with other institutions. Foremost among these is the Kunming Institute of Botany, one of the largest herbariums in China, made famous by one of China's most well-known scientists, Wu Zhengyi, has generously provided data to graduate students working on YN-NHCDC and taught them how access it. Dr. Zhou Zhekan has contributed much to this working relationship. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden is another major botanical and ecological institution within the province which has provided assistance to YN-NHCDC.

Prospective partnerships:
YN-NHCDC's operating model, derived from its successful use by other units in the heritage network, is one of working partnerships with government agencies and others -- businesses, researchers, and the like -- who need the data and analysis which YN-NHCDC is able to provide. Land managing agencies and environmental review agencies are prime examples. YN-NHCDC thus intends to work out partnerships with the Yunnan Department of Forestry's Wildlife Office, with the province's Bureau of Enivronmental Protection, and with the province's Department of Construction, among others, once its database is sufficiently mature to address the needs of these agencies and new staff it is seeking to hire are thoroughly trained and experienced.


The best way to contact YN-NHCDC is by email: yn.nhcdc@gmail.com. Our mailing address is YN-NHCDC, Yunnan Da Xue, Xi Yuan 7-02, Kunming, Yunnan Province, 650091 China.


























